EXCS Featured Projects

Raise awareness + get awarded for a project you are working on in your free time!

Boost awareness about your project!

Your project will be featured on the excs.uk website and on our Instagram.


Show off your skills

Flex on other computer scientists with your superior code


Receive an official award

You will receive a certificate & an e-certificate. Add it to your LinkedIn and boost your CV!

Enter your own project here

🥂 This Month's Winning Project -

How do featured projects work?

Every month, the society picks the best of the submitted projects and features it here! The wining project and its author(s) is awarded with a certificate and a mention on our socials! + Looks great on your CV!

Learn more

Want your project to appear here?

EXCS wants to support you with what you work on in your free time! Have a project that you are working on?

Tell us about it for a chance for it to be featured here

Tell us about what you are working on